Ein auditives Informations- und Leitsystem mit Näherungssensoren
Questions and Answers
Good to know:
The main costs are due to the number of points of interest that are to be spent on information.
The number of visitors ' or broadcasters ' numbers is of little importance.
The TellDing ® is maintenance-free and very fault-tolerant. You can easily change the information yourself.
The number of TellDing ® avatars is theoretically unlimited. No administration needed.
The number of TellDing ® POIs is theoretically also unlimited. The effort for setup and administration increases linearly.
The number of visitor groups to be differentiated (e.g. Different languages) is theoretically unlimited. The effort for setup and administration increases linearly.
The administration is simple: the exchange of voice information for each TellDing ® POI is done by plugging in a USB stick. Effort approx. Ten seconds.
The TellDing ® POI sensor and loudspeaker can be extended with one cable at a time. This means that both the space and the power source do not have to be at the actual point.
A central management of the TellDing ® POIs via a wireless network or LAN is possible as a custom-made design.
We will be happy to make you an individual offer for your industry or application. Contact: Hello [at] tellding. com
Advantages and disadvantages compared to other systems
No need for networking. No need for IT infrastructure.
No support required. Plug and Play.
The visitor does not need a smartphone or an app (TellDing means: No download, network or latency)
The TellDing ® avatar is very small, as a visitor card or trailer possible or in a shopping cart or as a key fob.
Works without GPS contact
Visitors do not need to read text (reasons: too dark, poorly sighted, no space for text, blind, no text in its language)
Different information available for different users (language, quantity and type)
Also solar-powered in the outdoor area with up to 30 meters distance possible
Acoustic information of any kind possible: as language, music or if necessary Only as Beep
Tripping radius can be determined according to TellDing ®-POI (0.5 to 30 meters)
The TellDing ® function allows the user to mute and switch on again as often as desired.
As an alternative, TellDing ® can be set up in such a way that it always works on request for 10 to 60 seconds.
TellDing ® is anonymous in the basic version, without reference to personal data and without storing data.
TellDing ® is in the basic version without user tracking.
Every POI needs power (USB power supply is sufficient, solar operation is possible in the outdoor area)
A place for the hand soap-sized TellDing ®-POI must be found (but can be hidden)
Depending on the environment and attachment EV. Not 100% vandalismusresistent. We are always looking for the best solution.
The sound output could be annoying (can be output to headphones or Einhandohrhörer if required)